
Roaring Lion on the mend

Roaring Lion is recuperating at Cambridge Stud after two colic surgeries.  - Supplied
Roaring Lion is recuperating at Cambridge Stud after two colic surgeries.


Four-time Group One winner and shuttle stallion, Roaring Lion, returned to Cambridge Stud on Thursday following two colic surgeries in the last ten days.

The son of Kitten’s Joy was admitted to Cambridge Equine Hospital within minutes of arriving at Cambridge Stud from quarantine on July 27.

He underwent immediate surgery which had to be repeated on August 1 to repair adhesions which had formed in his small intestine.

“Thanks to two world-class surgeons, Dr Alanna Zantingh and Dr Greg Quinn from Waikato Equine and with our own vet Dr Rob Hitchcock assisting, we have managed to save his life and he is on his way to a slow recovery,” Cambridge Stud chief executive Henry Plumptre said.

“It has been a complex and challenging environment for everyone involved and we owe a massive debt of gratitude to the veterinary team and the Cambridge Stud staff, led by Marcus Corban, who have ensured his survival. While he has a long road to travel, the beginnings of a recovery are complete and having him back at Cambridge signals the start of the next stage.

“We have found this week what Sheikh Fahad and David Redvers experienced with Roaring Lion last year on the racecourse - extraordinary courage, a will to win and an amazing constitution. His demeanour remained calm at all times which was a major part of his immediate recovery. Our aim now is to slowly repair him back to full health, in order that he can return to the UK and continue his career.”


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